Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

Currently browsing posts found in January2017

Monday January 16th 2017 “Listen not merely to what is said but the tone of voice.”  

Posted at: January 16th, 2017 - 9:46 pm - Number of Comments » 0

Monday January 9th 2017 “There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” -Homer Tuesday January 10th 2017 “Life is just so daily.” Wednesday January 11th 2017 “Yeah, that happened.  Now move on.”

Posted at: January 10th, 2017 - 12:21 pm - Number of Comments » 0

It is a new year!  Hopefully better than the last.  Although some great things did happen last year ( like Nathan coming to stay with us), some pretty shitty things happened too ( like FSS saying that we are a danger to children). I don’t usually make ‘new year’s resolutions’ however I do have a […]

Posted at: January 5th, 2017 - 4:33 pm - Number of Comments » 0

We are waiting for Nathan to get a therapy appointment   This is the longest process ever!  Nathan is in a goofy moody today.  It makes me happy to see him smile 🙂

Posted at: January 5th, 2017 - 4:20 pm - Number of Comments » 0