Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

So I went to the dentist this week.  And like all doctor types they leave me alone in the room for a little while while they attend to their doctorly duties.  So I immediately start to entertain myself by raising and lowering the arm of the chair while making robot noises.  Of course that gets old rather quickly.  As they have me reclining pretty far back I can’t get up to look through ‘stuff’ so I am limited to things within arm’s reach.  After blinding myself with that giant dentist light hanging above me, a great song comes on.  I bend my knees and start wiggling my toes so that my flip flops flap in beat with the music.  My toes quickly tire from this jamming session and I rest my ankle on top of my bent knee (good thing I wear shorts under my dresses) and start playing with my shoe, pretending it is a space ship blasting off from my foot into outer space…

I began to think that if I was someone else and I saw this 36 (and a half) year old lady I would think that she was completely nuts!  Yet I do not think it is at all strange that I was doing this.  Why is it that people no longer ‘entertain’ themselves this way afer the age of like 10?  And why is it that I still do?  I do not think that I am strange rather that others are boring.  My mother says that most people just have to be drunk to act that way.  Is that why I don’t really understand why people drink all time?  I’m naturally drunk?

My Dentist

My Dentist

July 17th, 2010 at 3:33 am