Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

Dear Dokajeb,

Justin’s surgery went well and he is resting.  He is in no more pain than usual. I am very anxious for them to turn on the thing they implanted in his back.

Celeste ‘forgot’ to wake up for gymnastics this morning.  Ah teenagers :P.  If it is something that she wants to do she has to get her self up.  It starts at 9:30 so that shouldn’t be too hard to do.

I’m having the gardener plant some new flowers out front.  The other plants died over the winter so we need something other than brown out there.  I’m going to have to remember to water them :/.  Maybe I’ll pay Celeste to do it 

That’s all for now.  Talk to you soon.

Your Friend


Celeste and Justin at Jaime’s Seder

June 19th, 2018 at 1:25 pm