Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

Dear Dokajeb,

Hello Friend,

How have you been?  I am feeling lazy today. Once again Celeste did not get up.  I want to go to the Y today to go swimming but I think that it is getting too late.  I think I will try to go tomorrow.  Or maybe I will walk on the beach instead.  Roo and I could use an outing.  I feel like I spend the whole day picking up dog toys.

I sent Aunt Claire a text telling her not to just leave family stuff she doesnt want at my house.  It really upsets me that she doesnt want me in her life and when she leaves stuff and dosent talk to me and it brings it all to the surface.  She says that I should feel guilty but I dont know for what.  I miss her. 🙁

more later,



June 21st, 2018 at 12:46 pm