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To Chick Fil A for dinner the sunset over the bridge was awesome.  I took a picture but my phone did not do it justice and Justin was driving like 80 mph.


Also Granny called me today.  The phone rings.

Moms voice: “Please hold for Granny” (then mom talking to granny in the background) “ok tell her what you wanted to say”

Granny’s voice to Mom: “What did I want to say?”

Mom’s voice to Granny: “About the jelly beans!”

Granny to me: “OH! that we’re running low?”

Me to Granny:  “Hi Granny. Are you running low on jelly beans?

Granny to Me: (sounding slightly worried) “There aren’t many left”

Me to Granny: “Ok Granny I’ll bring some of the yummy ones later.”

When I arrived at Granny’s house just over an hour later she was very surprised to see me and over joyed that I thought all on my own of bringing her jelly beans!  Granny is GREAT!

Beautiful sunset from the car

Beautiful sunset from the car

January 14th, 2011 at 6:28 pm