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So 1st we went to the Scooter store to drop my scooter off for a check up. While we were there I saw a scooter with a cool “splat” on it.  Turns out it was a decal and I bought some for MY scooter.  I’m gonna look so fly when I put them on!

Show room Splat

Show room Splat

While my scooter was being worked on we went back to Hollie’s house.  She got a bunch of new eye liners and wanted to try them out.  Justin would not play with us.  He’s no fun.  Hollie says this looks really good but I think is it awful!


Then Hollie’s friend Randy came over and helped put stuff up in the attic. Apparently he stepped on the wrong board because he fell though the roof with a whole bunch of stuff on top of him.  It was really hard not to laugh. He was pretty banged up.

Randy's back

Randy's back

When we went back to pick up my scooter they said the battery was bad so I still can’t ride it.  It is too cold out anyway.  But i hope that we can get a new battery soon cuz I wanna ride on thursday.

January 22nd, 2011 at 10:56 pm