Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

Hollie came up and we were going to go bike riding but she didn’t bring her bike and Justin didn’t put the battery in mine so we drove to the coffee shop instead.  Afterwards we stopped to visit Granny.  I snapped a picture of her sneaking fig newtons to the dog.  Mom said not to do it because the dogs will ‘go in the house’.  Granny says they wont because she’s ‘never seen it’.

Granny getting caught
Granny getting caught

Granny in the act!

Granny in the act!

mom in her green chair

mom in her green chair

Then we went to Sams’s club so Hollie could get her laundry soap in bulk and to Denny’s for dinner.

Hollie is so happy!

Hollie is so happy!

Justin ~ smiling all on his own!

Justin ~ smiling all on his own!

January 25th, 2011 at 7:52 pm