Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

We usually go to Karibo on Saturdays for lunch and eat outside.  If it is nice enough we ride our bikes.  Justin says “why do we have to do the same thing all the time”  (even though it is his favorite place)  I say because it is our thing.  It is what we do!  Well today mom and Hollie went down south to visit some friends and since it was supposed to rain I told Justin we could go where ever he wanted.  He picked “Barbara Jean’s”.  (Which is within walking distance to our house but not when it has been raining as one would have to walk across a ‘field’ so we drove.)  I did not take pictures of my food as Jena and Hollie’s friend Todd always do because when someone puts food infront of me all I think about is eating it.  But is was delicious!


My car,  still awesome after all these years!

My car, still awesome after all these years!

February 5th, 2011 at 11:47 pm