Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

I have been slacking and not adding new posts.  I am very ashamed of myself.  I am breathing much better now and summer is here!  We went for a walk on the beach yesterday and there were people there.  The water was cold but not freezing.

We had a “Supermoom” last week some time.  I dont think it looked much bigger but it was definitely bright.


I started making some new curtains for my room.  They look really cool except that the panels are not the same legth so in order to make them the same length i had to make the loops different lengths which looks kinda wrong.  I will have to measure better when I do the other window.  IMG_0351

AND my good ‘ol Granny is still hangin’ in there.  Being her Granny self!


March 27th, 2011 at 7:52 am