Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

So Monday Justin and I went to St.Augustine to get him a hat.  He has wanted a hat for a while now but has not been able to find any that he likes.  I thought that we should go to St.A because that have A LOT of hats there even though they are not cheap.  Then a few days before we left he found one at Wal*mart for $3.00!  I insisted that we go anyway.  We both found hats that we liked there but they were a little too costly (especially after finding one for $3.00)  so we left with out a hat.  However it was National Parks day so we got to go into the Castillo De San Marco for free!  It became more of a sight seeing day.

Justin and Me at the water in St. Augustine

Justin and Me at the water in St. Augustine

We also had lunch at an Italian restaurant.  We ate outside with a lovely view of the parking lot.

April 19th, 2011 at 10:43 pm