Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

So my iMac decided to die.  I was trying to stream something on the apple TV and it wouldn’t work so I went to make sure my iTunes was on and the computer was off.  When I tried to turn it on nothing happened. Justin couldn’t get it to turn on either!  I don’t really use my iMac all that much since I have the iPhone and iPad but still I feel a great lost.  That is where all my media is and I pay my bills and do on line shopping from my iMac.  To make up for such a devastating lost we got and iMac mini and I got a Mac book pro.  I have to get used to using a touch pad but I do like the light up keyboard.


AND the very best part about buying new Apple products… THE STICKERS!!!!!  WEEEEE


December 9th, 2012 at 11:03 pm