Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

So Hollie had some sort of work thing in West Palm and I went along for fun.  The hotel where we stayed was pretty boring (but very clean with great staff!)  but the city itself is great.  We did lots o shopping and rode the trolley!  Weeeeeee!  I found a new favorite store and when I become more reasonably sized  (and more wealthy) I’m going to go on a shopping spree.

Pictures from “The Blue Martini”

Hollie enjoying an Apple Martini

Hollie enjoying an Apple Martini

Hollie posing with MY drink  (something blue)

Hollie posing with MY drink (something blue)

Pictures from the Hotel I took while Hollie was working:

IMG_5283 IMG_5290

A few drops of rain...

A few drops of rain...

...turned in to a Florida down pour

...turned in to a Florida down pour

I just like this picture.

I just like this picture.

"Security STRAW"

"Security STRAW"

May 28th, 2010 at 11:01 pm