Phoenix Criminal Lawyer

So Hollie had some sort of work thing in West Palm and I went along for fun.  The hotel where we stayed was pretty boring (but very clean with great staff!)  but the city itself is great.  We did lots o shopping and rode the trolley!  Weeeeeee!  I found a new favorite store and when I become more reasonably sized  (and more wealthy) I’m going to go on a shopping spree.

Pictures from “The Blue Martini”

Hollie enjoying an Apple Martini

Hollie enjoying an Apple Martini

Hollie posing with MY drink  (something blue)

Hollie posing with MY drink (something blue)

Pictures from the Hotel I took while Hollie was working:

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A few drops of rain...

A few drops of rain...

...turned in to a Florida down pour

...turned in to a Florida down pour

I just like this picture.

I just like this picture.

"Security STRAW"

"Security STRAW"

May 28th, 2010 at 11:01 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Here is a guy to whom I was ‘introduced’ on Facebook.  He is amazing!

Listen to other stuff as well!!!

Rock out!

May 3rd, 2010 at 4:56 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So Sunday was Easter.

Justin and the doggies and I spend Saturday night at Hollie’s house hanging with Copper while she was in PA.  When we got home Sunday morning the Easter bunny did NOT come.  But then while I was oh the phone with my mom… HE CAME!!!!!

My Easter Basket

My Easter Basket

Justin and I then went to Aunt Claire’s place and had dinner with Mom and Granny and Luke.

Granny's 98th Easter

Granny's 98th Easter

I made Irish soda bread and an appetizer.  1st time I made either one.  They both turned out really well.  Mom bought Tiramisu for dessert and it was awesome!


So it was a good Easter and a beautiful day!

I have decided to update my site on Wednesdays.  Never didn’t seem often enough and every day was too much and I keep forgetting.  Wednesday seems just right.

April 7th, 2010 at 9:48 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

IMG_0413So Tom was visiting us for a few days and he left today.  We had lots o fun with him.  Hollie had a party for him where we celebrated Todd’s birthday.  And we ate at cool places (however we do that with out Tom) and we checked our smart phone A LOT!IMG_0409 IMG_0410


March 29th, 2010 at 9:29 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So today was even more beautiful than yesterday!  Justin and I took the dogs for a walk on the beach and we ran into my mom.  That is what happens when you live on a small island.  so we all walked together.  Sebastian LOVES the beach.  It wasn’t quite swimming weather although there were a few crazy people in the water.  (being only 69 degrees) Most people were just walking and/or picking through the shells.  I’m glad winter is over.   🙂


It is hard to see but Sebastian is smiling in this picture.

February 21st, 2010 at 9:41 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So today was a beautiful day!  It was like spring or something.  After being unseasonably cold for so long it was nice to have a day of pleasant weather.  We went to the farmer’s market this morning and got some plants and rice and peach habinaro jam.  We walked all around down town. And had lunch at Karibos.


It was so nice that we ate out side.

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It was a little chilly with the breeze blowing off the river but the warm sun was lovely.

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Then Aunt Claire came over and we watched “UP” on Blu Ray

It was a lovely day 🙂

February 20th, 2010 at 10:21 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So ever since I have gotten the B-12 shot I have felt like crap.  I thought that I would start feeling better and have more energy but it is totally the opposite.  I am insanely tired.  I’m sleeping all day.  I’m very thirsty and my sugar is not that high.  And my throat hurts and I feel a little nauseous.  Maybe I am just sick.  I hop that I’m just sick.  Oh I’m also itchy which is not usual but i have been taking my meds to prevent that so I should NOT be.  I did not vacuum today because I was sleeping ALL day.  maybe I will tomorrow.

February 20th, 2010 at 3:20 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So this morning I got up and went down stairs and was lying on the couch.  Since there was no room to lie next to me, Sebastian curled up right on top of me.  I’m glad that I am so comfortable.  😛

Justin got his hairs cut today.  It looks pretty cool.  He kinda looks like Johnny Depp but not in a sexy way, like in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.


February 17th, 2010 at 6:40 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

So today mom and I got manis and pedis and I got my eyebrows waxed.  Of course I messed up my nails before I even got home but that is how it always goes

Then I had a doctor appointment and of course my a1c level was too high but that was not the interesting part.  I also found out that my B-12 level is extremely low.  I have to get shots once a week for a month and then once a month after that.  Hopefully this will make me feel much better.

Justin’s parents are coming in two weeks!  I hope that is enough time for him to clean his bathroom.


February 16th, 2010 at 11:24 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

So Sebastian graduated from Basic obedience training today.  The only thing he really learned though is how to sit when he sees that I am holding a treat.  We might take another class if Justin lets us.  There is one starting on Thursday.


February 15th, 2010 at 4:40 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink