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So my asthma has been kicking my ass the past few days.  I am feeling much better now though.  But I haven’t left the house in a few days.  Therefore this picture is of my bakers rack which I just redecorated but I left the christmas lights on it because they make the room look more festive.


January 21st, 2011 at 11:40 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Today is Justin’s birthday.  He baked his own cake, a carrot cake from his gramma’s recipe.  It was really great.  Granny said that she wanted a cupcake so we went to Winn Dixie and got her one of their huge cupcakes .

Justin's carrot cake after we all took the piece that we wanted

Justin's carrot cake after we all took the piece that we wanted

the beautiful cupcake I got for Granny

the beautiful cupcake I got for Granny

Froggy cupcake

Froggy cupcake

January 19th, 2011 at 7:42 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So I slept all day today.  Well I did get up to go to Chick fil a.  I’m just not breathing very well and it makes me REALLY tired but I can’t sleep so I take sleeping pills which make me sleep all day.  Once I got up I took a picture of me freshly awaken.


January 19th, 2011 at 1:46 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

I got my own remote for thee xbox today!  I wanted an orange one but regular remotes cost $30 and the orange one was $82 and Justin says that hes not paying that much.  It is important that I have a different color because we have two TV remotes and Justin keeps losing his and claiming mine and saying mine is the one that is lost.  So my new remote is WHITE.  It is pretty cool because the colored buttons show up much better.  I may buy and orange case for it someday but right now the white is cool enough.

My own xbox remote!

My own xbox remote!

January 18th, 2011 at 1:50 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

We had dinner with Aunt Claire, Mom, and Granny as we usually do on Sundays.  As we were saying goodbye Granny says to Justin “Thanks for eating our food!”





January 16th, 2011 at 7:26 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Justin at Hollie’s.  We burned chicken wings and danced.  Played cards and drank. Wnet rafting and laughed.

Justin eatting something.

Justin eatting something.

My cookies

My cookies

Hollie stole my camera to take a picture of me with the cake where she used matches instead of candles

Hollie stole my camera to take a picture of me with the cake where she used matches instead of candles

Me yelling at hollie to quit taking crapy pictures with my camera and give it to someone who knows what they are doing!

Me yelling at hollie to quit taking crapy pictures with my camera and give it to someone who knows what they are doing!

Effie eatting a chicken part

Effie eatting a chicken part

Cindy and John

Cindy and John

January 16th, 2011 at 7:22 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

I invited mom over for dinner tonight to have left-overs.  I made something new and I didn’t want to invite her over the night I made it incase in turned out icky. ( Of course it was wonderful!) So I invited her over for the left-overs which were just as good.  I sent Justin to the store to get a vegetable and rolls to go with dinner and the dogs waited for him  the whole time.


January 15th, 2011 at 1:30 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

To Chick Fil A for dinner the sunset over the bridge was awesome.  I took a picture but my phone did not do it justice and Justin was driving like 80 mph.


Also Granny called me today.  The phone rings.

Moms voice: “Please hold for Granny” (then mom talking to granny in the background) “ok tell her what you wanted to say”

Granny’s voice to Mom: “What did I want to say?”

Mom’s voice to Granny: “About the jelly beans!”

Granny to me: “OH! that we’re running low?”

Me to Granny:  “Hi Granny. Are you running low on jelly beans?

Granny to Me: (sounding slightly worried) “There aren’t many left”

Me to Granny: “Ok Granny I’ll bring some of the yummy ones later.”

When I arrived at Granny’s house just over an hour later she was very surprised to see me and over joyed that I thought all on my own of bringing her jelly beans!  Granny is GREAT!

Beautiful sunset from the car

Beautiful sunset from the car

January 14th, 2011 at 6:28 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So Stormie says that she is going to take a picture a day in 2011.  What a great Idea!  I will do that too.  How hard can that be?  I take my phone with me every where I go and it has a camera on it.  But I’m going to try to step it up by occasionally using my real camera too!  This is going to be great!  Of course I will not have a picture for every day as I am starting now and it is already the 13th so I will have to make up a few.

356 pictures for 2011!!!

I am excited!

Justin and Me at Port Fernandina New Years Eve

Justin and Me at Port Fernandina New Years Eve

January 13th, 2011 at 2:51 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

So I went to the dentist this week.  And like all doctor types they leave me alone in the room for a little while while they attend to their doctorly duties.  So I immediately start to entertain myself by raising and lowering the arm of the chair while making robot noises.  Of course that gets old rather quickly.  As they have me reclining pretty far back I can’t get up to look through ‘stuff’ so I am limited to things within arm’s reach.  After blinding myself with that giant dentist light hanging above me, a great song comes on.  I bend my knees and start wiggling my toes so that my flip flops flap in beat with the music.  My toes quickly tire from this jamming session and I rest my ankle on top of my bent knee (good thing I wear shorts under my dresses) and start playing with my shoe, pretending it is a space ship blasting off from my foot into outer space…

I began to think that if I was someone else and I saw this 36 (and a half) year old lady I would think that she was completely nuts!  Yet I do not think it is at all strange that I was doing this.  Why is it that people no longer ‘entertain’ themselves this way afer the age of like 10?  And why is it that I still do?  I do not think that I am strange rather that others are boring.  My mother says that most people just have to be drunk to act that way.  Is that why I don’t really understand why people drink all time?  I’m naturally drunk?

My Dentist

My Dentist

July 17th, 2010 at 3:33 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink